SDF works continue in the Midlands
Over the last 12 months, VolkerLaser has continued to work across the UK on various projects as part of the multi-billion-pound Scheme Delivery Framework (SDF) for National Highways.

Forming a key part of this framework are the works at Oldbury on schemes P80 and R181.
Following on from a series of successful projects on the M5 motorway in Oldbury, VolkerLaser maintained its original site compound, enabling a seamless transition into the SDF contracts in Area 9.
The P80 project is valued at circa £10 million and involves the repair of 12 bents on the M5 motorway. The bents are cross-beams, which are integral to a structure and allow for load distribution.

The full scope of works included structural concrete repairs to the bents, installation of a new impressed current cathodic protection system, installation of new permanent drainage beneath the deck ends, the refurbishment and painting of I-beams-ends and bearings, and the application of mastic joints around the bearings.
The work location stretches across 250 metres of the motorway and due to certain areas being situated above a canal, various forms of temporary works were required for access, including scaffolding and approximately 4500m² of V-Deck™, our innovative under-deck access system. Both the scaffolding and V-Deck™ systems were installed to follow the profile of the deck above, which provides a natural fall to one side of the motorway. By using V-Deck™, the system not only provided safe access for operatives to the necessary working areas, but it also allowed the canal beneath to remain open to users throughout the works.
Once the installation of all access systems was completed, enabling works commenced. This phase included the installation of temporary lighting and power, asbestos surveys and protection works to the I-beams. Each access platform was also fully encapsulated ahead of hydro-demolition works to ensure the watercourse below was protected from the risk of contamination.
During the hydro-demolition phase, puddle pumps were set up in a bund directly underneath each bent, which pumped any excess water down to ground level into a silt buster. This was then safely stored until it could be removed from site by Tardis Environmental.
Alongside the P80 project, VolkerLaser is also running the R181 scheme from the same site compound. This scheme, valued at circa £3.5 million, includes the same scope of work, repairing two bents elsewhere on the M5 network.
Project manager, James Ross, said: “Both projects are progressing well, with all 12 bents in the P80 scheme in live construction states. There is a great variation of activities which are currently in full flow. Phase one of the cathodic protection works has been completed on the first six bents 21/19 to 21/14 and this is due to be energised in January 2024. VolkerLaser has a strong and experienced team, showcasing our self-delivery capabilities. It’s a real pleasure to be part of the scheme, and I’d like to say thank you to the whole team involved – well done and keep up the good work!”
Both schemes are expected to be completed by November 2025.